1 Search Results for "968/TA 1642.02/23"

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Certificate/Reg.-No. Certificate Holder Product Category Product Tested Type Designation Details PDF
968/TA 1642.02/23 ARI-Armaturen Albert Richter GmbH & Co. KG
→ Bauteile TA Luft
Below stem seal and housing seal (packing ring and flat gasket in graphite) of the shut off valves type FABA (TA Luft model)
FABA, FABA stainless steel, FABA LA, ANSI FABA, FABA II, FABA PLUS, FABA Long Life, FABA Supra I, FABA Supra C

DN: 15 - 300
PN: up to 40
Stem diameter: 8 - 32 mm
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Remark: In case of missing entries this is due to restrictions by the certificate holder

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