1 Search Results for "968/EZ 587.06/23"

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Certificate/Reg.-No. Certificate Holder Product Category Product Tested Type Designation Details PDF
968/EZ 587.06/23 ATI Industrial Automation
→ Valve-Positioners / Controllers
Valve Control Modules for the ATI Robotic Tool Changer
DKR Control Module with JR4/JT7/JU4/JU5/JP12/JP13 Valve Adapter Modules,
DKL Control Module with JR4/JT7/JU4/JU5/JP12/JP13 Valve Adapter Modules,
DKLZ1-M Control Module with JR4/JT7/JU4/JU5/JP12/JP13 Valve Adapter Modules,
DL8 Control Module with JR4/JT7/JU4/JU5/JP12/JP13 Valve Adapter Modules,
DL9 Control Module with JR4/JT7/JU4/JU5/JP12/JP13 Valve Adapter Modules
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Remark: In case of missing entries this is due to restrictions by the certificate holder

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