1 Search Results for "01/205/5918.01/24"

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Certificate/Reg.-No. Certificate Holder Product Category Product Tested Type Designation Details PDF
01/205/5918.01/24 Banner Engineering Corp.
Sensors, Transmitters, Guards
→ Opto-electronic Protective Devices
Active Opto-electronic Protective Device (AOPD Type 4),
Safety Light Curtain
S4B Safety Light Curtain


v= R (Receiver), E (Emitter), K (Kit), P(Pair)
w= 14, 30 (mm resolution)
x= 300 to 1800 in 150 mm steps (mm length)
y= S (Stick only)
(blank) (Hardware options for Kits and Pairs)
z= up to seven alphanumeric characters to identify special non-construction and non-safety related configurations
0.1 to 12m range
Product versions see attached actual Release List.
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Remark: In case of missing entries this is due to restrictions by the certificate holder

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